All posts by Mr Gordon

Aimee awarded top vocalist at Scottish Young Musicians Final 2024

Congratulations to Aimee S.  (S6) who was awarded the accolade of top vocalist at the prestigious Scottish Young Musicians Final 2024 which was held at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow. 31 participants representing the best young musicians from across Scotland’s local authorities competed.

Aimee’s prize will include a tour of Scottish Opera, a coaching session with their Head of Music, an interview with their General Director Alex Reedijk and tickets for their forthcoming production.

Clips from the day and an interview with Aimee can be viewed here:

In recognition of Aimee’s commitment to musical success, Chief Executive of East Ayrshire Council, Eddie Fraser, invited Aimee to a Civic Recognition event on 21st June. She is pictured below with Provost John Todd and Depute Provost Claire Leitch who also attended the event. Congratulations Aimee!

East Ayrshire Young Musician Final

Congratulations go to two of our Advanced Higher music pupil’s Aimee Sharp and Rhys Hamilton who participated in the East Ayrshire Young Musician 2024 final last night.

Rhys performed his own composition ‘Grave’ on piano, whilst Aimee sang ‘Still Hurting’ from the musical film The Last Five Years. Both performed extremely confidently and were a credit to the school.

Aimee won the final and will now progress to the national final of the Scottish Young Musician of the Year competition at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in a few weeks time. Congratulations Aimee and good luck!

RSNO John Williams Concert

S4 music pupils attended a concert of film composer John Williams’ music last Saturday, 2nd March. The concert took place at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall and was performed by the Royal Scottish National Orchestra.

For many pupils, this was their first time hearing a live symphony orchestra and they were treated to several familiar movie soundtracks from films such as Star Wars, Jaws, Superman, E.T and Indiana Jones. They also got to hear music from some lesser known films and the world premiere of a new piece called ‘Love on the Wing’ by Alice Mills.

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Piano masterclass with Richard Meyrick

Stewarton Academy Music Department were delighted to host a virtual masterclass on Monday morning with international concert pianist Richard Meyrick. S5 pupils Fraser W., Rory A. and Rhys H. performed Pink Minor, Chopin’s Waltz in Ab major and Debussy’s Reverie respectively for Richard and other senior piano pupils who were in attendance.

Offering advice and encouragement to help improve their pieces and playing more generally, Richard’s expertise was much appreciated by the pupils who were then treated to a thrilling performance of a technically demanding Rachmaninov Prelude live from his London piano studio.

DYW Visit from Ellis Music Studios

As part of the department’s drive to increase awareness about the opportunities and variety of careers available in the creative industries, we organised a visit from Irvine based music and recording studio Ellis Music Studios. Owned by former pupil Jamie Haining,  S3 music technology pupils learned about Jamie’s story becoming a creative entrepreneur and what it takes to successfully run your own creative business.

Former pupil Max Sloan, who also works at Ellis Music Studios shared some of the projects he has been involved in after graduating from Ayrshire College with a HND in Sound Production. He also shared some helpful hints and tips which our pupils will find useful in their projects this year.