Homework Week Beginning 22nd April 2024

Hello and welcome back to Primary 2! I hope you all had a lovely holiday and are ready for the term ahead.


This week, we have been learning a new phoneme. This week our phoneme focus is ‘ue’ as in glue and blue. This week for homework we are asking you to write a sentence containing one or more ‘ue’ words and to draw a beautiful picture to match. This can be done in your pink homework jotters. Here is my example below, although, I am sure you can do so much better!

Here is a video to help you if you are struggling to think of some ‘ue’ words.

Miss Walley’s group have been learning the ‘sh’ phoneme. This week for homework, they have a ‘sh’ worksheet.
Please also continue to use your letters and boxes to help them make words from the list. These were provided before the holidays.

Here is a video to help you remember some of the ‘sh’ words we have spoken about in class.

Numeracy and Mathematics

This week for homework you have another Maths Scrapbook activity. Last week in school we were recapping all that we know about money. Your task this week is based around using money to pay for items.

Thank you for your continued support with homework. We kindly ask that homework is returned on Friday.

Miss Mulhern and Miss Walley.

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