
Obair-dachaigh – Till air ais ro Diluain 18mh den Mhàrt

Litearrachd – Leugh do leabhar agus cleachd faclan litreachaidh a h-uile h-oidhche.

Sgrìobh geàrr-chunntas airson do leabhar leughaidh no caibideil a leugh thu (Caibideilean 1-3 neo Act 2 Scene 1 agus 2).

Àireamhachd – P4 – Sgrìobh a-mach na fìrinnean roinneadh airson clàran 2 agus 10

  • P5 – Sgrìobh a-mach na fìrinnean roinneadh airson clàran 5, 6 agus 7
  • P6/7 – Sgrìobh a-mach na fìrinnean roinneadh airson clàran 3, 4  8 agus 9

M.e. 3 ÷ 3 = 1, 6 ÷ 3 = 2…

HWB – Tha comharran an earraich a’ tòiseachadh a’ nochdadh. Dè na h-eadar-dhealachaidhean a chì thu anns an t-saoghal timcheall ort? Sgrìobh sìos tuairisgeul air cuid de na h-atharrachaidhean a chì thu agus tarraing dealbh gus na h-atharrachaidhean timcheall oirnn a shealltainn.


Homework – Return by Monday 18th of March

Literacy –     Read your book and practise your spelling words every night.

Write a summary for your reading book or chapter that you have read. (Chapters 1-3 or Act 2, scene 1 and 2)

Numeracy – P4 – Write out the division facts for the 2 and 10 times tables

P5 – Write out the division facts for the 5, 6 and 7 times tables

P6/7 – Write out the division facts for the 3, 4, 8 and 9 times tables

eg. 3 ÷ 3 = 1, 6 ÷ 3 = 2…

HWB     –     Signs of spring are beginning to appear. What differences can you   see in the world around you? Write down a description of some changes you can see and draw a picture to show the changes around us.

English spelling

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