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Committee Group

Today is our last committee group and we have been looking at all the evidence we have gathered from across the year so that we can apply for our silver award.

Today we looked at Article 24.
Article 24 is about health, water, food and the environment. Children have the right to the best health care possible, clean water to drink, healthy food and a clean and safe environment to live in.

Some of our committee have been out on walks with their class and have noticed that there is so much litter around our local area and the park. We discussed the impacts that litter has on us, our local community and the wider global goals.

We are continuing to work with the John Muir committee to raise awareness and improve our local area for our upcoming John Muir Day.

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Group Meeting 28.2.24

At our most recent committee group meeting, we looked at Article 42, which says that everyone must know children’s rights.

We discussed the different ways we can teach people about our rights and decided that each class will display the ‘Right of the Month’ and this will link to the article being discussed at Home Circles.

We have also made posters to go up in every class which displays the Rights of the Child. Some of the committee will also be teaching the rest of school about the ABCDE of Rights at our next Home Circles.

Committee Group Meeting

At our last committee group we were learning all about Article 27. Article 27 is about having the right to a proper house, food and clothing. 

We then looked at our needs and our wants. We discussed and designed two houses, one to show the things that we need such as electricity, water, a safe house with a roof, a bed, clothes, toilet, something to make food on and someone to help look after us.

After that we designed our second house and this had the different things that we might want in our house but aren’t essential. This included things like a tv, Switch, toys, a pool, dog, flowers, Netflix and PS5.


Today was our first committee group meeting  that we had. We hope to get the Rights Respecting Schools bronze award. We  learned about the rights of the child. We did an activity on our needs and wants, we looked at the opportunities we get throughout the week to play. Then some of our group spoke to Mrs Govans about renaming Fun Time Friday and about changing the Catrine PS values.



Rights Respecting Schools

Dear Parents/Carers

We are becoming a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School!

Catrine Primary aims to be a school where children’s rights are at the heart of our ethos and culture, to improve well-being and to develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.  As part of this plan we are working towards recognition as a ‘Rights Respecting School’, an award given to schools on behalf of Unicef UK.

We have created a Rights Respecting Schools Committee with pupils from Primary 1 to 7. We had our first meeting today on Wednesday 8th February. We spoke about children’s rights and completed a few activities about our needs and wants.

We found out that you have the right to an education, the right to a name, the right to play and the right to have a safe house/shelter. These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfill their potential.

We really hope that you will be able to support our school on our journey towards becoming a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School. The first goal of our committee is to achieve ‘Bronze’ Accreditation as a Rights Respecting School. We can’t wait to share our journey with you over the next few months.

Rights Respecting Schools Committee, Miss Burleigh & Miss McLean