Stars of the week!

Stars of the week! | Riccarton Early Childhood Centre

Huge Congratulations to all of this weeks stars πŸ™‚

The children have been great at following the golden rules and being kind & helpful to their friends πŸ™‚

Stars of the week in Cohort 1 are…..

Quinn, Ethan & Logan ~ Well done everyone! πŸ™‚

Stars of the week in Cohort 2 are……

Ava & Katie ~ Well done girls! πŸ™‚

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1st Week Back!


We are back! - Vertical Lift Machines

We have had a fantastic first week back after our Easter Break πŸ™‚

The children within both cohorts have been very busy outdoors this week and have enjoyed exploring a wide variety of learning experiences.

Take a look at how much fun we have all had! πŸ™‚

Cohort 1……

Cohort 2……

We are looking forward to having even more fun in the sun next week! πŸ™‚

Summer Sun Safety – Montessori School of Silicon Valley: Milpitas Santa  Clara Fremont

Stars of the week!

Badge: Star Of The Week - SuperStickers

Huge Congratulations to all of this weeks stars! πŸ™‚

The children have been doing amazing work this week, helping their peers and following the ECC golden rules! πŸ™‚

Stars of the week in Cohort 1 are……

Jude, Amiyah & Noah ~ Well done everyone! πŸ™‚

Stars of the week in Cohort 2 are……

Robbie, Alfie,Β  Dylan & RoryΒ Β ~ Well done boys! πŸ™‚

Customised Holographic Well Done Pow Stickers | 35mm



Easter Fun!

Easter 2021: When is Easter bank holiday weekend?The children have had a super time enjoying a variety of Easter activities within the ECC πŸ™‚

We have been busy showing off our wonderful Easter bonnets on our bonnet parade around the local area, then the Easter bunny left some colourful eggs around the ECC outdoor area for us all to find πŸ™‚

Take a look at some of our wonderful Easter bonnets! πŸ™‚

A huge well done to all the children for making such fantastic Easter bonnets, they really made everyone smile! πŸ™‚

Well Done Achievement Bunny - Free image on Pixabay