caprington woods

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The children of the Yellow and Orange Groups had a wonderful time at Caprington woods this morning 🙂

We had great fun walking around the woodland area, collecting leaves, sticks, fir cones and acorns to make some fantastic pictures. We also investigated all the different sounds we could hear,  such as the wind blowing through the trees and the different noises our boots made as we walked through the squelchy mud and puddles!

We went on a big walk through the woods investigating all the fallen trees and branches, we then all gathered round to enjoy the story of………….

Image result for duck stuck in the muck

We really enjoyed the part where, sheep, goat and frog were left ‘Stuck in the muck’ 🙂

Take a look at all the photos from our Adventure!

Thank you to all the parents who came along to today’s session, we are really looking forward to going back next week 🙂

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