Bridgend Group ~ Purple Group

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The children of the purple group enjoyed a visit to Bridgend garage today!
We had a great time, walking around the workshop investigating all the different sounds of the machines & tools.  We enjoyed watching with interest as they were then used to fix the different cars and vans.
Next we had a walk around the forecourt, picking out our favourite cars and investigating familiar letters and numbers on all the registration plates!

We even got to sit inside our favourite cars and pretend to drive! 🙂

International week

The children have been learning about a range of different cultures and traditions  during our international week 🙂

We have been exploring a range of different foods, music and souvenirs from 5 countries around the world……………..

We have been busy participating in a wide variety of learning experiences such as cooking, painting, and creating our very own Chinese dragon!

Look at all the fun we have had 🙂


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A big thank you to all the children, parents & carers who contributed to our international week, we have all had a fantastic time 🙂



Bridgend Visit ~ Red Group

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The children of the red group had a fantastic time looking around the workshop, photo booth and showrooms of our local Bridgend garage.

We learned what the brakes of a car looked like as well as investigated what the inside of a car engine is like!

The children were asking important questions about how cars work and what all the buttons and switches do 🙂

We all had a great time!!

We are looking forward to next weeks visit! 🙂
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Bridgend Garage ~ Blue Group

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The children of the blue group enjoyed their visit to Bridgend Garage today!
We were watching with interest at the cars moving up and down on the ramps as well as having a close look at some cars with no wheels!
The children were learning about the process of advertising and had great fun taking turns to sit inside some cars within the showroom!
Look how much fun we had 🙂
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Bridgend Garage Visit ~ Orange Group

Image result for bridgend motor group"

The children of the orange group had a fantastic time visiting the local Bridgend garage.

The children were able to have a good look at how the mechanics fix the cars, watch them being transported on and off of the ramps.  They also had great fun watching the cars being washed and polished ready to be photographed in the shiny photo booth 🙂

We were even allowed to sit inside some sporty cars! 🙂

The children of the blue group are looking forward to going along next week 🙂