Fun with Food

Image result for Vegetable train

The children, parents & carers have had a great time at our fun with food workshops over the last few weeks! 🙂

We have been very busy making Vegetable trains as well as banana dogs & caterpillars!

The children have really enjoyed the experience of exploring different fruits and vegetables and have been demonstrating great fine motor and creative skills! 🙂

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We would like to say a big thank you to Evelyn for coming along to facilitate our fun with food workshops! 🙂


Rhythm Time!

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The children have recently been enjoying Rhythm time sessions with Helen 🙂

We have been investigating the sounds of different instruments, joining in with song time and had fun dancing to the rhythm of the music.

look at all the fun we had! 🙂

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Dance sessions with Miss Katie

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The children have been participating in Dance sessions with Miss Katie from Kilmarnock school of dance!

We have had lots of fun dancing with Melody bear, exploring the dancing ribbons & scarves and learning how to move our bodies to the music 🙂

We would like to say a big thank you to Miss Katie for coming along to dance with us 🙂

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Caprington Woods

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The children, parents and staff had a fantastic time at
Caprington woods this week!

We were very busy enjoying a variety of learning experiences:-

  • Developing our number skills by enjoying a pumpkin number hunt
  • Creating woodland creatures with clay and natural materials.
  • Enjoying a spooky Halloween story ~ “Room on the Broom”

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A huge thank you to all parents who came along to join us on our woodland visits 🙂