Welcome to term 3!

Wow term 3 already?! Time is flying and at times I wish it would slow down so that I can have longer with our wonderful P7 class.

Term 3 will be full of hard work, learning essential study skills and, hopefully, lots of fun!

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Since our return to school we have been working on a range of new learning, as well as continuing some learning from before the holidays.


In literacy we have been looking at fact and opinion in texts and analysing the types of text where we see this. We have also started to learn a poem called ‘Willie Wastle’ which was written by Robert Burns. We will be decoding the Scots language within this to gain better understanding. We also continue working on our spelling with the current phoneme being ‘oi’.


We are still working on fractions and will be continuing this learning for a number of weeks whilst introducing decimals and percentages too.

We are completing number talks each day and I am so impressed by the range of strategies being used in class.

Health and wellbeing

We have started to look at change and loss and pupils were very mature in their approach this week. I understand this topic can trigger emotions for pupils and will support them in class to express these emotions.

Miss Corrigan will continue teaching the class about internet safety.

We are working on a block of gymnastics in P.E.

Wider curriculum

This week we began our China study which is always a great topic to learn about! This topic will involve lots of self study, culminating in a final project to be shared with the class. Pupils are really enjoying this so far!

As always, if you would like to get in touch please don’t hesitate to call the school office and I’ll be sure to return your call at a suitable time.

7 Ways to Instill A Love of Learning in Children | Happy kids quotes, Quotes for kids, Parenting quotes

Miss McCulloch

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