Shoot to Saturn

This year Catrine Primary school have joined the Shoot to Saturn mission. This means we are completing active travel journeys in order to collect s-miles to power our rockets with enough energy to make it to Saturn.  Active Travel Journeys include walking, park and strides and using a bike or scooter to get from one place to another.

Primary 6 are this years active travel commanders. This means that we communicate with Mission Control to ensure we are on track with our journey. As active travel commanders, P6 set all pupils the challenge of designing their own rocket for our mission. Classes then exchanged rockets and voted on which rocket would represent each class.

Our winners were chosen today:

P1 – Miller

p2 – Ella

P3 – Lyle

P4 – Logan

P5 – Casey

P6 – Poppy

P7 – Jacob

We cannot wait to continue this journey!

Our Week in P6

We have had a very busy and exciting week in P6.

During numeracy this week, P6 have been learning how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. We have also been learning about fact families for multiplication and division.

In literacy, we completed our reports on the weather, these included different types of weather, what people should wear and what people can do for these different weather types.  We have also been working hard on our Climate Change and Bug Club novel studies.

We have also started to learn about Space, we will continue to explore this further next week

On Thursday, we had another visit from Cumnock Rugby Club who ran a fun and exciting session. We played different rugby themed games which allowed us to practice our passing, tackling and scoring skills.

Today, we created our lanterns for Make Catrine Sparkle. We also participated in Be Bright Be Seen by wearing bright colours.

Big Talks and Homework

Good Afternoon,

Just a quick reminder that we have now entered Week 2 of our homework block for this term. This week, pupils have been given a reading challenge grid to complete. Pupils should write a sentence in their jotter describing what they did for each task.

Last week our focus was beginning our Big Talks. Although pupils will receive a short amount of time in class to work on these, pupils should continue these at home. Our topic for the Big Talk is ‘All About Me’. Pupils should aim to talk for around 5 minutes and can use a PowerPoint, photos or a poster to help them do so. Our presentations will be next week and are ordered as follows:

Monday – Noah, Coral, Steven, Andrew, and Tristan

Tuesday – Harry, Cole, Luna, Brody, and Leighton

Thursday – Alfie, Poppy, Maddisen, Jalyn, Myia, and Brooke

Friday – Mikey, Lucie, Kayla, Sophie, Harper, and Jessica.

Monday – Finlay

Our Week – P6

This week we have been very busy with our Show practice. We have been practicing all of the songs and doing runs of the script with P5 and P7.

In numeracy, we have been learning to use different strategies to add and subtract up to four-digit numbers. These strategies include partitioning, formal method, counting on/back, rounding and using number lines.

We continued writing our reports on the weather for our writing. We also began new book studies and Bug Club to develop our reading comprehension.

Today we finished our sessions of Basketball which ended very successfully.

Our Week in P6

This week has been very exciting for P6!

During our Numeracy lessons, we have begun to explore our times tables through our Multiplication Masters programme. Pupils have also been learning to partition numbers when adding and subtracting, how to add four digit numbers both with and without exchanging, and exploring that we can make the same number using many ways. We have also challenged ourselves with some problem solving questions.

We have continued to use our comprehension strategies to help us understand our novel, The BFG. On Thursday we finished reading our novel and everyone enjoyed it. We also created Hallowe’en free writing comic strips to celebrate. We began to explore Reports by exploring their features, this will allow us to create our own reports next week. Pupils have also participated in daily ERIC time, this is where everyone in class reads a book of their choice for a period of time.

During PE we have begun playing full games of Basketball which we will continue next week.

We have also had lots of time to begin our school show. We have been practising lines and songs and have been working together to create props and settings for our show.

Primary 6 have also enjoyed becoming our schools Active Travel Commanders for our Shoot To Saturn initiative for the year. P7 also joined our class to help us research Renewable energy sources and their impact for Scotland.

Finally, P6 joined with P5 and P7 to have a Hallowe’en party.