Weekly Roundup

Our P5/6 pupils have returned to school feeling refreshed and ready to begin their new term!



The pupils have been learning to spell words with the ‘e’ phoneme using lots of active strategies. They have also been exploring the meanings of there, their and they’re and can use them confidently within their writing.


The pupils were learning to multiply whole numbers and decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 in numeracy this week. They were able to do this independently and with the use of practical resources to support them.

Other Curricular Areas

The pupils enjoyed setting up their own football circuits this week. Additionally, the pupils explored ‘street art’ this week. The children could express their own ideas and explain their view of graffiti to others. They were also able to try out some graffiti styles.

Weekly Roundup

It’s the last day of term 2 and P5/6 have had a blast the past few weeks!


Here are some pictures of just some of the things they have been up to over the festive period.

I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Miss  Murdoch


Reminder: Christmas Show Costumes

Primary 5/6 will be performing their Christmas show on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th of December next week.

All pupils have been given slips with what they require for their costumes. Here is an electronic copy of all costumes with preferable dates for them to be handed in:

Choir –Christmas top/jumper if you have one (Own clothes)

Wear on the night


Boo & Hiss – black leggings & Christmas jumper (if you have one)

Bring in on Monday


Tail – Black t-shirt

Bring in on Monday


Spotty and Grotty – leggings & t-shirt (of any kind)

Bring in on Monday


Moo – Black leggings/joggers

Bring in on Monday


Dwarfs – dark leggings/trousers/joggers and dark t-shirt

Bring in on Monday 

Class Talk Presentations

A little reminder that we will be starting our class talks on Monday.  Each pupils will have an assigned day to present their talks.



Georgia, Hannah, Ellie, Harry, Caleb and Ashton.



Bette, Charlie, Connor D, Connor B, Craig and Eilidh.



Eli, Emelia, Ewan, Joey, Ayden, Declan and Kaylie



Josh, Daryl, Kiara, Lucy and Millie


Please contact lauren.murdoch@eastayrshire.org.uk if you have any further questions regarding class talks.

Weekly Roundup


The pupils redrafted their final descriptive pieces this week. All pupils wrote amazing descriptions of a setting using lots of grammar techniques such as similes, personification, alliteration, adjectives and adverbs.

Additionally, the pupils used their ICT skills to create a PowerPoint about the main character in their novel. They were able to use their prior knowledge to create a presentation that discussed Noah’s personal details, likes and interest and dislikes. They then presented this to the class.

The pupils were also learning to spell new words with the ‘a’ sound and its different phoneme representations.


The pupils are exploring addition in maths this week. The pupils have been learning to add 3-digit up to 6-digit numbers using the partitioning strategy. They have also investigated addition involving carrying using formal methods.

Other Curricular Area

The pupils were learning to create music maps during their strings tuition this week. The pupils also created some beautiful artwork to commemorate ‘Remembrance Day’.


P5/6 Big Talk Homework

Title:  My Past, Present and Future.

You have been given a project to prepare and present a short 5-minute talk about your past, present and future.  The presentation should be as detailed as possible.  Some ideas might include:


  • Where does your family come from? Have they always lived in Catrine?
  • What was their favourite subjects at school?
  • What is their favourite memory with you?
  • Who is the oldest relative in your family?


  • Your current favourite activities, games and/ or hobbies and why
  • Your favourite meal and why
  • Your favourite music, films and/or books and why
  • Your favourite thing to do with your family and why
  • Your favourite subject in school and why


  • Your dream job and why
  • Where you would like to live and why
  • The pets you would like to own and why
  • Your hopes and dreams you have for the future


You can decide how you would like to present your talk e.g. PowerPoint (Saved on GLOW or pen-drive), poster, photographs, bringing in items etc. You should practise your talk at home as often as possible and use a timer to help. You may want to use notes or prompt cards to help you stay on track.

All talks will be assessed using the school’s Talking & Listening criteria, which is also available on Glow.

Talks should be ready to present the week beginning Monday 21st November. 

Weekly Roundup


The pupils have enjoyed using active spelling strategies whilst learning to spell new words. Additionally, the pupils have been learning to up skill their writing by learning to create complex sentences using conjunctions.

The pupils also started to explore their new ‘wilderness’ topic as the pupils researched various plants and animals from their new novel.


The pupils finished their estimating and rounding topic this week and began to investigate money. All pupils were able to confidently convert pounds and pence. Following this,  pupils used their knowledge of percentages create a clothing store in which all items were half off!

Other Curricular Areas

The pupils enjoyed coming to school dressed up in their Halloween costumes. All pupils participated in some Halloween arts and crafts and enjoyed playing lots of Halloween games!

The pupils also created posters to remind others of the firework safety code. This is to ensure that all pupils will stay safe as well as have fun during Guy Fawkes Night.


Homework Reminder

A new maths homework has been issued today that allows the children to explore mass in a real life context.

This homework should be returned within two weeks of it being issued.

The pupils can note down their answers or draw pictures to show their thoughts and ideas.

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