Big Talk Reminder

Just a reminder that Big Talks should be ready to present next week.  Please see previous blog post or letter for the details.  Below are the details of when your child will present their talk.  Remember they may bring in any props (toy/drawings/photos etc) on their specific day. I am really looking forward to hearing all about their heroes!

Monday 22nd: Ayden, Connor D, Daryl, Ellie, Hannah, Kaylie

Tuesday 23rd: Ashton, Charlie, Declan, Emelia, Joey,

Wednesday 24th: Bette, Connor B,  Eilidh, Ewan, Harry,  Lucy

Thursday 25th: Caleb, Craig, Eli, Georgia, Josh, Millie

If you have any further questions please email

Big Talk Homework

Title:  My Hero

You have been given a project to prepare and present a short 5 minute talk about a ‘hero’ of your choice. This person could be famous (footballer, singer etc.) or someone you know in real life. The presentation should be as detailed as possible and could include information about

  • Why this person is your hero
  • What about them inspires you
  • Who they are and where they come from (background etc.)
  • What have they achieved (successes or special talents)
  • How did they reach their goals
  • What impact has your hero had on you

You can use the internet or books to find out facts about your chosen ‘hero’. You could also use other ideas to enhance your talk e.g. PowerPoint (saved pen-drive), drawings, diagrams or items from home.

You should practise your talk at home as often as possible and use a timer to help. You may want to use notes or prompt cards to help you stay on track.

Talks should be ready to be present the week beginning Monday 22th May.

I can’t wait to hear your talks!

Weekly Roundup

Another busy week in P5/6!


All pupils have been investigating the features of a balanced argument and can use various techniques to create a balanced argument, discussing who was responsible for the sinking of the Titanic.


In numeracy this week, all pupils were learning to use bar models to work out fractions of a quantity.

Across the Curriculum

The pupils have enjoyed using the new gymnastics equipment and have been focusing on balance, rolls and jumps.

The P6 pupils also enjoyed participating in the Danger Detectives workshop and Boswell Book festival.