Homework Reminder

Just a reminder that numeracy homework has been issued today. This should be returned before the Easter holiday.

If your child no longer has their National Numeracy jotter, please complete the task on the sheet to be brought back in.

If you have any issues please contact:


Weekly Roundup

To celebrate British Science Week, the pupils took part in several activities organised by the STEM committee.

Firstly, the pupils had to think like engineers to build a robot city using their chosen materials. All groups created unique designs and some were able to make their creations interactive.

The pupils also learned about forces and friction as they conducted a science experiment to see who had the slippiest and grippiest shoe.

The pupils also investigated the science behind smoking and explored the chemicals found in cigarettes.

Weekly Roundup

The pupils have worked very hard in numeracy this week!

They have been learning to multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using concrete materials.

They have also been learning to convert 12-hour time to 24-hour time.


Homework Reminder

Just a reminder that numeracy homework has been issued today. This should be returned by Monday 20th March.

If your child no longer has their National Numeracy jotter, please complete the task on the sheet to be brought back in.

If you have any issues please contact:
