Weekly Roundup


All P5/6 pupils have been learning to write an information report on Alexander Fleming. Our pupils were able to include a title, opening paragraph and information about Fleming’s life using subheadings. The pupils were also able to add more detail by including pictures with captions.


The pupils were learning to use commutative law to find multiplication and division facts. Miss McGuire also introduced time this week. The pupils were learning to count in 5, 10 and 15 minute intervals.

Homework Reminder

All pupils should continue to learn their Scots poem for our upcoming Scots celebration.

Weekly Roundup


During our grammar lesson, the P5/6 pupils learned to identify imperative verbs and can now confidently use them in their writing. Additionally, as part of our Scotland topic, all pupils researched Alexander Graham Bell. They then used this information to write an explanation on his childhood, career and greatest invention.


The pupils have been learning to recognise patterns within the 2, 4 and 8 times table this week. The pupils also explored the impact of mathematics on the world, past, present & future by investigating the Fibonacci sequence. The pupils could recognise the pattern the Fibonacci sequence follows and could identify where we see this in nature.

Other Curricular Areas 

All pupils have been learning to dribble and pass in football this week. The P5 pupils also took part in rugby training which will be on for the next 3 weeks.

As part of our Scotland topic, all pupils researched modern Scottish celebrities. The pupils then displayed their findings using PowerPoint and presented this to the rest of the class.

Homework Reminder

All pupils have maths homework to be completed by next Friday.

Pupils should also aim to learn their Scots poem by next Friday.


Scots Verse Celebration

Catrine Primary will be hosting a ‘Scots Verse Celebration’ on the 1st of February.

Poems have been given to all pupils to learn at home. All P5 pupils will be expected to learn  ‘Social Dancin’ by Anne Kelly. Also, all P6 pupils will be expected to learn ‘Up in the Morning Early’ by Robert Burns.

All pupils should practice their poems aloud. They should aim to speak clearly, with expression and should try to add in actions where possible.

5 children from P5 and 5 children from P6 will be selected to perform their poem in front of judges. A winner from each stage will then be selected to perform during the Scots Verse Celebration.

Weekly Roundup

Our P5/6 pupils have returned to school feeling refreshed and ready to begin their new term!



The pupils have been learning to spell words with the ‘e’ phoneme using lots of active strategies. They have also been exploring the meanings of there, their and they’re and can use them confidently within their writing.


The pupils were learning to multiply whole numbers and decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 in numeracy this week. They were able to do this independently and with the use of practical resources to support them.

Other Curricular Areas

The pupils enjoyed setting up their own football circuits this week. Additionally, the pupils explored ‘street art’ this week. The children could express their own ideas and explain their view of graffiti to others. They were also able to try out some graffiti styles.