Title: My Past, Present and Future.
You have been given a project to prepare and present a short 5-minute talk about your past, present and future. The presentation should be as detailed as possible. Some ideas might include:
- Where does your family come from? Have they always lived in Catrine?
- What was their favourite subjects at school?
- What is their favourite memory with you?
- Who is the oldest relative in your family?
- Your current favourite activities, games and/ or hobbies and why
- Your favourite meal and why
- Your favourite music, films and/or books and why
- Your favourite thing to do with your family and why
- Your favourite subject in school and why
- Your dream job and why
- Where you would like to live and why
- The pets you would like to own and why
- Your hopes and dreams you have for the future
You can decide how you would like to present your talk e.g. PowerPoint (Saved on GLOW or pen-drive), poster, photographs, bringing in items etc. You should practise your talk at home as often as possible and use a timer to help. You may want to use notes or prompt cards to help you stay on track.
All talks will be assessed using the school’s Talking & Listening criteria, which is also available on Glow.
Talks should be ready to present the week beginning Monday 21st November.