Maths Week Scotland

All pupils in P5/6 have enjoyed celebrating Maths Week Scotland.

Throughout the week, the pupils have engaged in practical activities to expand their knowledge of place value. They have compared whole numbers to 1 million, as well as decimals to 3 decimal places. Additionally, the pupils have continued to develop their knowledge of decimals by learning how to convert decimal notation into fractional notation. The pupils were then able to showcase their learning during our first ‘Maths Open Morning’.

The pupils also took their knowledge of maths into their P.E lesson this week as they linked their reaction time to their knowledge of times tables.

Maths homework reminder: 

Maths homework was issued on Monday and all pupils have two weeks to complete this. If there are any questions about the homework please contact:


Weekly Roundup

P5/6 have had another exciting week this week.

The pupils have continued to use the Active Literacy comprehension strategies to explore their class novel. They have also continued to develop their understanding of descriptive writing which they will then use to create a Viking themed narrative story.

The pupils have continued to explore place value in maths and can confidently read, write and count whole numbers to one hundred thousand and one million.

P5/6 have also enjoyed exploring where the Vikings came from and even created some Viking artwork.

We look forward to posting pictures of our learning in the future but, in the meantime, here are some of our lovely wall displays.