All posts by Miss Burleigh

Weekly Round-up

We started off our week with Remembrance Day on Monday. We observed a 2 minute silence in class and went for a walk to visit the war memorial with P4.

It was lovely to see so many families join us for our literacy open morning on Tuesday. We enjoyed sharing our learning with you all.

On Thursday we got to watch a super theatre production called ‘Hope’ which explored the issue of bullying and led to some fantastic discussions.

Happy Friday! 🥳

It’s been another busy week in P5! This week we have been practising our common words, looking at the relationship between multiplication & division facts, and learning about the dangers of smoking. We also enjoyed a beautiful autumn walk to the Monument on Monday.

Weekly Round-up

This week we continued to work on our Multiplication Masters & are now in a good routine of practising our times tables.
We went out a walk on Monday & were learning how we can use our senses to help keep us safe. We spoke about the importance of looking at our surroundings, listening for different sounds & noises. We looked at how we can stay safe when crossing the  road, the importance of pedestrian crossings & the dangers of the fast flowing water.
We finished our week with a fun Halloween party on Thursday afternoon with P6 & P7.

Weekly Round-up

We’ve had such a busy first week back. This week we have been learning about subtraction in our numeracy work and have been working hard to complete our subtraction calculations. We were also learning about our new Multiplication Masters mental maths initiative that we will be working on throughout the week. We had great fun practising our tables and getting to be the teacher.

In literacy we were learning to write a summary, where we pick out the main points from the chapter and write about it in our own words.

We have also been busy decorating our class pumpkins for the pharmacy and designing some super artwork for the Tesco competition.

Weekly Round-up

This week we have been continuing to practise the formal method for addition. We have also been practising our times tables and hope these are going well at home too.

In literacy we have been learning to spell words with the ‘j’ sound. We have also been working hard to improve our vocabulary and played a game of musical WOW words.

In science we were learning about electricity. We built our own circuits and then tried to add in various materials to see which ones would conduct electricity.


Weekly Update

P5 have had a busy few weeks. We’ve been continuing to work on and improve our spelling strategies. We have been learning about similes and alliteration and we were trying to add some into our writing this week.

In maths we have been working on our Number Talks strategies and also revising place value. We have also been learning to use the <, > and = signs correctly.

In science we have been learning about forces and we went on a walk last week to find items that were magnetic. We were also looking to see where we could find ‘forces’ in action. We had great discussions at the park about the forces required to use some of the equipment. We have also been learning about electricity and have been learning to build circuits.

In ICT we have been learning how to change the size, font and colour of our writing.

Homework 5️⃣✖️5️⃣

Our times tables homework focus was given out today in class.  This will run for the next four weeks. Pupils are free to choose a different times table each week that they feel they need to work on.  From here they should complete as many of the activities on the sheet as they can throughout the week.

By the end of P5 the expectation is that pupils will know all times tables and have good recall of each.  This will support them in all other aspects of maths, from completing multiplication and division calculations, to fractions, decimals and percentages.  Lots of practise committing these to memory will be our table focus this session.

We can’t wait to see the improvements everyone makes.

Good luck and have fun.

Weekly Update

P5 have been working very hard in class this week. We have been trying to improve our letter formation and handwriting. We read some more of our book and focussed on metalinguistics. We looked at leaflets about different animals, and we were learning to use our skimming and scanning skills to pick out the key information about each animal’s needs.

We loved having lots of you visit our class on Thursday, as part of our Numeracy Open Morning, and getting to show off all of the amazing things we have been learning.

In science we’ve been continuing to learn about forces and this week we focussed on magnetic forces. We were trying to see if we could a make a paperclip dance.

Weekly Round-up

We have had another busy week in P5. We have been continuing to work on our book study ‘Matilda’, and have been focussing on visualisation this week. We used descriptions of Mr and Mrs Wormwood to create our pictures of them. We were continuing to explore place value and rounding in maths. We were also learning to use partitioning as an addition strategy in Number Talks. In ICT we were learning to access WORD in Glow and we were able to type up some of our work. In science we were learning about Forces. We looked at push and pull forces and built our own ramps to test how far we could get the ball to roll. In music we were learning to play the Glockenspiels and were learning to perform ‘Mamma Mia’.