Category Archives: Literacy

Kerr and Stuart’s Post

This week in literacy we have been learning how to use speech marks and commas. We used a game about an ancient temple to write our stories. Click on the links below to read our writing.

Ancient temple of massacre by Jake
Temple of doom by Stuart
Ancient by Heidi
The hidden discovery of the ancient temple of Ra by Kerr
The discovery of the haunted pyramid by Isla

In maths we have learned how to use the written method for subtraction and we used the dienes blocks to help us exchange hundreds, tens and units.

In art we learned about perspective drawings and then drew the Polar Express. We used the vanishing point, horizon lines and guidelines to help us.

In PE we have been doing basketball and this week we were perfecting our passing and dribbling.

Choosing a new book 📖

Today, Primary 6/7 picked their favourite Celebration! We all had our own reasons for choosing our favourite and Mrs Connell even got her hands on a Malteaser. After, we had to choose a book we wanted to read and give a reason for our answer. Here’s our choices…

Reading for Enjoyment featuring Quality Street

Today, at the start of our literacy lesson, we were asked to choose our favourite Quality Street and the reason why we picked it. Some of us chose the chocolate based on having tried them before, the flavour or even the wrapper.

Mrs Connell then asked us to choose a book from a selection and give a reason why. Some of us chose a book based on the cover, blurb, author or genre.
We pick books the same way we pick our favourite sweet treats.