Week 11!

This week we have been looking at the nets of 3D shapes. We had a go a trying to make our own cubes, cuboids, cylinders and cones. Take a look at them below.

This week for spelling we have been focussing on the ‘f’ sound and its different representations. We completed a spelling chart showing the three different representations, wrote sentences including some of our ‘f’ words, made some colourful word art and also done some diacritical marking.

This was the 3rd and final week of rugby with Blair for P4/5. Everyone has really enjoyed getting to learn a bit more about rugby and having a go at trying the different skills involved. Take a look at some of the action shots below.

Week 10!

This week when the Primary 5 pupils were away swimming the Primary 4 pupils got the chance to get arty. We looked at the Northern Lights and followed a step by step guide on how to create a snowy landscape picture using chalk. Take a look at some of the beautiful drawings below.

We have started our new IDL topic which looks at significant people from the past. This week we focussed on Albert Einstein and his personal life. Everyone worked in pairs to complete a reading comprehension task as well as a timeline activity. Jamie also drew us an amazing picture of Albert Einstein for our wall display, well done Jamie!

We also had our second visit from Blair, the rugby coach. The children enjoyed getting another chance to take part in game-like activities and enjoyed getting the chance to work as a team. They are looking forward to their last session next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Rugby Session – 1

P4/5 have had a very busy week! In addition to World Book Day on Thursday, we also had a visit from a rugby coach, Blair, who took the children for their first rugby session.  We got to practise holding, passing and catching a rugby ball and also took part in game-like activities. Have a look at some of the action shots below.

We also continued with our gymnastics and this week we focussed on flying/jumping. Everyone had the opportunity to practise a range of jumps off of equipment as well as practise their jumps on the mats on the ground. Take a look at some of the amazing gymnasts in the class.

Gymnastics, swimming and rugby all in one week, wow!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Week 8!

This week for mental maths we have been revisiting the ‘Empty Number Lines’ strategy using addition. This is a strategy that allows children to break up numbers any way that makes sense to them and so everyone’s working can look different. Take a look at some of our work below.

For spelling we completed a range of tasks based on the phoneme we were focussing on. We completed some word-searches, practised our elkonin boxes and also done some pyramid writing.

We have continued with our new topic of gymnastics  in P.E and this week we focused on balancing. On Monday we practised a variety of different balances and then on Thursday we had a go at combining travelling and balancing together. Take a look at some of the action shots below.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!