
It was lovely to see so many adults at our Numeracy open morning on Wednesday.

P4/5 enjoyed sharing our different strategies and resources that we use in class.

We have been focussing on Place Value this term and were able to confidently take on different challenges and play games during the open morning.
Take a look at some of our snaps!




This week, we continued our learning about descriptive writing.

We were able to use descriptive language and techniques to describe the main character of our novel – ‘Mr Twit’.

We knew we had been successful if we could paint a picture in our readers mind of what Mr Twit was really like! We did this by using adjectives, similes and alliteration.

We also introduced our ‘Tickled Pink’ and ‘Green for Growth’ system that we will be using to celebrate, edit and improve our writing. We picked out all the amazing features using pink and highlighted any areas that we could ‘grow’ or develop our skills using green.


This week, we also headed out on our first (and what turned out to be VERY wet!)  community walk.

We surveyed the different types of litter around the village and used tally marks to total up the amounts.

We will use this information to complete bar and pie charts in maths and look forward to helping clean up some of the litter during our whole school outdoor days.

Lastly, check out all of our ‘Catrine Compliments’ so far.

We love choosing one special member of our class on a Friday and reminding them of all the things we love about them!

A copy of the ‘Catrine Compliments’ is always sent home, so keep an eye out for when it is your child’s turn!



This week we have been learning to use ICT to edit our work.

To do this, we used the spellcheck feature on word and were able to make our spelling more accurate.

We were also developing our ability to save and retrieve the documents we have been working on.

We then were able to print out an edited version of our ‘Paintbox’ poems that we are really proud of.


Check out our work below. 


We have had another successful week in Primary 4/5.

We are learning to use the 6 key comprehension strategies to better understand our book study ‘The Twits’.

Ask us about inference and visualisation. 

We also picked out lots of great descriptive phrases and used our knowledge of similes to create wonderful ‘My Paintbox’ poems. We learned about verses and how to structure a poem.

We can’t wait to edit our work in the ICT suite and share our finished pieces next week.

Here are some snaps from numeracy this week, where we worked with numbers  with up to 4, 5 6 and even 7 (!) digits.

What a week :-)

What a great first week in Primary 4/5.

We  worked together to create our class charter after finding out more about the UNCRC and the rights that we are all entitled to.

We also began to work on our NumberTalks strategies and impressed Miss McLean with our calculations.

We also used visited the ICT suite  to write some clues for our ‘Who am I?‘ self-portraits.

Read the clues and see if you can work out who created each portrait!