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Term 2

What a busy start we have had to term 2. 

We were so happy to continue our music sessions. This week we got a chance to be composers and created  our own rhythms using body percussion.

We also got to work finishing off our model houses. Lots of us are now at the interior decorating stage; adding wallpaper and even carpets to our models.

In literacy – we continued our work on Fantastic Mr Fox. We focused on summarising and visualisation.

For our writing this week we got the chance to edit and then word process our descriptive writing.

We also had a chance to refresh our knowledge of the formal method  with exchanging for addition. Over the coming weeks, we will build on this knowledge as we develop our knowledge of addition and subtraction.

Have a great weekend!




Descriptive Paragraphs

This week we have been continuing our work on descriptive paragraphs.

We have been learning to use similes, alliteration and descriptive phrases in our writing.

We have also been working on editing and redrafting our work. We have been using a ‘tickled pink’ and ‘green for growth’ system to edit our work before getting the chance to type up a final copy.

We all chose a piece of text that we are currently working on to share with you this week. Look out for the finished piece!

Can you spot any quality pieces of description in our work so far?


Happy Friday!

This week in Primary 4/5 we have been very busy.
We have undertaken a STEM ‘model house’ project with P6/7.
We are working in small groups to design, construct and create 3D house models using a range of materials.

This week we learned about cardboard attachments. We have used joins such as slots, flanges and tabs to construct our models.


Look out for updates on our models over the coming weeks as we add carpets, wallpaper and more!

This week we also had our first music session with Miss Eggo. We learned about rhythm and beat.

We can’t wait for our next session!

Have a great weekend everyone!



Maths Week Scotland

Primary 4/5 have been marking ‘Maths week’.
We absolutely loved inviting families into our classroom for our numeracy open morning and were so happy with how many of you managed to make it along.

This week we also sent home our first numeracy home learning task. These will be issued every second Monday and should be returned the following week.  The first task should be returned by Monday 3rd of October.  (Only the scrapbook needs to come back to school. The rest of the pack should be kept at home to be used for home learning tasks.)

Take a look at just some of the maths that has been taking place in our classroom recently.


We planned to make it outside this morning for some outdoor numeracy, however, the weather wasn’t on our side! 🌧

Instead, we tested our times tables knowledge and reaction times with some fun games in the class. Some of us are quick as lightening! ⚡️⚡️

We did manage to get outside on Thursday and took a walk around Catrine. We spotted some ducks and gave them some lunch.

We also got to work on our STEM model house project with P6/7. We looked at cardboard joins and began to create the structure for our houses. We are developing lots of skills already. Ask us about the project.


Our Goals 💡

We can’t wait  to start sharing photographs of what we get up to in our very busy classroom.

You can give permission for your child to appear on this blog via a link on the main school blog page.

This week we have been getting very creative and have made some wonderful fox themed art work (look out for some pictures of the finished pieces next week!).

We have also been talking about our goals for this year – including things we want to improve, what we want to learn and things we want to continue to do well.

Have a look!

Primary 4/5

What a super first week in Primary 4/5!

We have been having a great time mixing with our classmates and catching up after the summer holidays. We worked together as a class to create our ‘Class Charter’ and learned about some of our Rights.

We also began working on our new book study ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ and are excited to learn more about the story.

In numeracy, we have been getting on with our ‘NumberTalks’ and have started to continue our learning about Place Value.

I have been so impressed with the hardworking attitude and creativity of Primary 4/5 so far and can already tell we are going to have a super year.

Don’t forget to keep up to date with this blog as we will regularly be posting updates and photographs (when we have permission) of what goes on in our fabulous class!