Category Archives: Uncategorized

Health Week

What a week!

The sun was out as we celebrated ‘Health Week’ at Catrine Primary.

We have been VERY busy this week, taking part in LOTS of activities throughout the week.

We had a visit from Kilmarnock Football club and got to try out our skills in the ‘Hexagon’.

We tried out some Karate moves…

Worked on our boxing skills with Kieran from NorthWest boxing..

We had a visit from local engineer George Burns who taught us how to keep safe around electricity..

We got to try lots of delicious, tasty fruit kindly donated by Tesco and beautifully prepared by Mrs Watt..

We also took part in many activities in our own class including mindfulness, a healthy meal shopping challenge, yoga and plenty more.

We finished off our week with sports day at the park. We all had great fun and performed brilliantly, especially on such a warm and sunny morning!

Class Talks

This week we heard some more of our ‘Big Talk’ class presentations.

We had some very confident speakers, delivering interesting and well prepared talks!

We learned lots of new information about the different countries chosen and it was lovely to hear about the different heroes and inspirations chosen by our class members.


As this week is World of Work week and some of our presentations linked really nicely as we discussed the different skills and qualities that you need to do different jobs and how our ‘hero’ achieved their goals.

 We also completed the ‘Animal Me’ quiz, which helps you to discover what you are good at and learn more about your personality – it also recommends different jobs for you based on your answers. It was really fun!

Matilda the Musical

P4/5 have completed our study of Roald Dahl’s ‘Matilda’.

Tomorrow in class, P4/5 will watch the musical adaptation of the book – ‘Matilda The Musical’ in order to complete some comparison activities.

‘Matilda The Musical’ is rated a PG. If you do not wish your child to view the movie, please contact the school office.

Thank you.

Our Busy Classroom

Check out some snaps taken over the past couple of weeks in our very busy classroom.

We have been focussing on our school values ‘achievement’ and ‘teamwork’.
We talked all about what it means to achieve and used ‘two stars and a wish’ to think about the goals we have already achieved and what we would like to achieve in the future.

We also learned about how both humans and animals work in teams and how we can work together to achieve more.
We created a beautiful spring ‘collaborative art’ piece that we can’t wait to display in our class.

We also continued our learning about South America and developed our map reading skills. It was a challenge but we really enjoyed it.


It may have been two short weeks but we have been VERY busy with lots of learning about money, persuasive writing and ‘Pop Art’.
Check out some more snaps below. 📸

Big Talk Homework

P4 Talking Homework

Title:  Countries

You have been given a project to prepare and present a short 5 minute talk about a country of your choice. The presentation should be as detailed as possible and could include information about the climate, capital city, popular food, population, flag, famous buildings/landmarks any other interesting details. You can use the internet or books to find out facts about your chosen country. You could also use other ideas to enhance your talk e.g. PowerPoint (saved pen-drive), drawings, diagrams or items from home.

You should practise your talk at home as often as possible and use a timer to help. You may want to use notes or prompt cards to help you stay on track.

Talks should be ready to be present the week beginning Monday 22th May.

I can’t wait to hear your talks!



P5 Talking Homework

Title:  My Hero

You have been given a project to prepare and present a short 5 minute talk about a ‘hero’ of your choice. This person could be famous (footballer, singer etc.) or someone you know in real life. The presentation should be as detailed as possible and could include information about

  • why this person is your hero
  • what about them inspires you
  • Who they are and where they come from (background etc.)
  • What have they achieved (successes or special talents)
  • How did they reach their goals
  • What impact has your hero had on you

You can use the internet or books to find out facts about your chosen ‘hero’. You could also use other ideas to enhance your talk e.g. PowerPoint (saved pen-drive), drawings, diagrams or items from home.

You should practise your talk at home as often as possible and use a timer to help. You may want to use notes or prompt cards to help you stay on track.

Talks should be ready to be present the week beginning Monday 22th May.

I can’t wait to hear your talks!


This week we continued to build on our work based on Chapter 16 of our novel study ‘Matilda’. We picked out adjectives, similes and other descriptive phrases and then used our findings to create models of the inside of Miss Honey’s cottage.


In maths, we collected data using tally marks and were then able to display our findings in bar charts and pictograms. We were able to pick out key information and answer questions based on the data.

We discussed our school value ‘community’. We were able to talk about what our school community is and who it is made up of. We came up with so many ideas that we ran out of space on our mind map!


We then used some of these ‘community’ words to make ‘Catrine Community Word searches’ for others to complete.

This week also saw the beginning of our ‘South America’ topic. We were able to identify the 7 continents and researched some of the countries that make up South America. We can’t wait to continue our learning!

Term 4 ☀️

The sun has been shining for the first week of term 4.

We have got off to a busy start with a visit from an ex-pupil to talk to us about cyber awareness.

Primary 5 also set off to Visions for our first swimming lesson. It was brilliant and we all did so well. 🏊‍♀️

Back in class, we have been working on fractions. We have furthered our understanding of equivalent fractions and some of us have been working on ordering and simplifying fractions.

We also worked in small groups or pairs to identify descriptive phrases from chapter 16 of our novel Matilda. We used these phrases to help us visualise Miss Honey’s cottage.



And just like that we reach the end of Term 3!

What a fantastic, busy term it has been – full of lots of new learning.

We had a great last week of Term 3 and we even  managed to fit in a  walk to ‘The Monument’. It was a lovely and bright day and we even got to look at two friendly horses that we met on the way.


We also took time this week to work on our entries for the annual ‘Design an Egg’ competition.  P4/5 are a very creative bunch! Our entries this year range all the way from  spring chicks and bunnies to aliens and evil minions!

Check out some of our entries below.  


Have a great Easter holiday!


To celebrate British Science Week, the pupils took part in some activities organised by the STEM committee.

We all enjoyed a visit from local engineer George Burns. Photos from the visit can be found on the main page.

We also  had fun taking part in the ‘slippy vs grippy’ challenge. Ask us how it went!

Today we created some lovely artwork inspired by spring flowers to give as a gift to some special people this Sunday. We used paint to create our pieces and experimented with different brush sizes to create different effects.