This week was another busy one for Primary 4/5.
This week was ‘Anti-Bullying’ week and on Monday we created some lovely Throw Kindness Like Confetti artwork. We started with a perspective drawing of our hands and then used other materials to create a confetti collage. Have a look!
On Tuesday we developed our understanding of our school value ‘Fairness’. We learned about how fair doesn’t always mean everyone gets the same. We could understand the difference between equality and equity and made some lovely ‘Fairness’ acrostic poems to display in our corridor.
Wednesday was our Literacy open morning. We had a great morning showing off some of the things we get up to in our class. We upgraded our fries, took part in some descriptive writing, completed the literacy starters, tried out some of our Fantastic Mr Fox task maps and worked on some spelling strategies!
On Thursday we were joined by the rest of Primary 5 for a Superman themed day! We read a description of the setting and made models based on the scene. It was a great day and we developed lots of skills.
Today we celebrated Children in Need by dressing down and taking part in a Pudsey Bear drawing tutorial. They turned out brilliantly!