
This week we continued to build on our work based on Chapter 16 of our novel study ‘Matilda’. We picked out adjectives, similes and other descriptive phrases and then used our findings to create models of the inside of Miss Honey’s cottage.


In maths, we collected data using tally marks and were then able to display our findings in bar charts and pictograms. We were able to pick out key information and answer questions based on the data.

We discussed our school value ‘community’. We were able to talk about what our school community is and who it is made up of. We came up with so many ideas that we ran out of space on our mind map!


We then used some of these ‘community’ words to make ‘Catrine Community Word searches’ for others to complete.

This week also saw the beginning of our ‘South America’ topic. We were able to identify the 7 continents and researched some of the countries that make up South America. We can’t wait to continue our learning!

Term 4 ☀️

The sun has been shining for the first week of term 4.

We have got off to a busy start with a visit from an ex-pupil to talk to us about cyber awareness.

Primary 5 also set off to Visions for our first swimming lesson. It was brilliant and we all did so well. 🏊‍♀️

Back in class, we have been working on fractions. We have furthered our understanding of equivalent fractions and some of us have been working on ordering and simplifying fractions.

We also worked in small groups or pairs to identify descriptive phrases from chapter 16 of our novel Matilda. We used these phrases to help us visualise Miss Honey’s cottage.