Maths Week Scotland

Primary 4/5 have been marking ‘Maths week’.
We absolutely loved inviting families into our classroom for our numeracy open morning and were so happy with how many of you managed to make it along.

This week we also sent home our first numeracy home learning task. These will be issued every second Monday and should be returned the following week.  The first task should be returned by Monday 3rd of October.  (Only the scrapbook needs to come back to school. The rest of the pack should be kept at home to be used for home learning tasks.)

Take a look at just some of the maths that has been taking place in our classroom recently.


We planned to make it outside this morning for some outdoor numeracy, however, the weather wasn’t on our side! 🌧

Instead, we tested our times tables knowledge and reaction times with some fun games in the class. Some of us are quick as lightening! ⚡️⚡️

We did manage to get outside on Thursday and took a walk around Catrine. We spotted some ducks and gave them some lunch.

We also got to work on our STEM model house project with P6/7. We looked at cardboard joins and began to create the structure for our houses. We are developing lots of skills already. Ask us about the project.


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