This week in Primary 4 we have been continuing to round numbers to the nearest 10 and have been learning to round numbers to the nearest 100 in maths. In literacy we have been practising spelling, reading strategies and learning all about Roald Dahl.
In P.E. this week we have been keeping fit by completing different circuits like skipping, sit ups, shuttle runs, step ups and tricep dips. It was tiring work!
We have also been learning about different musical instruments, French greetings, some British Sign Language and how to use Google Maps.
It was so nice to welcome families into the classroom for our Numeracy Open Morning on Thursday. Thank you to those of you that managed to make it along, We hope you enjoyed getting the chance to see the learning taking place in Primary 4.
On Monday we are hoping to go for our first class walk, depending on the weather. Can pupils please come to school wearing a jacket and suitable footwear for this.
Have a great weekend!