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Scots Poem

As part of our Scotland topic this term all classes are learning a Scots poem. Paper copies of the poems have been given to all pupils to learn at home and are also shown below.

The Primary 4 poem is Soaks by Douglas Bell and was chosen by the pupils.

by Douglas Bell

Plain soacks, fancy soacks,
Multi-coloured weans’ soacks.
Guid soacks, din soacks,
Fit for the bin soacks.

Haill soacks, torn soacks,
Cannae fin its neebor soacks.
Mither’s soacks, faither’s soacks,
Sisters’ and brithers’ soacks.

Nike soacks, umbro soacks,
Caket wi muck soacks.
Soapy soacks, dreepin soacks,
Wavin fae the line soacks.

Holey soacks, schuil soacks,
Rollin doon ma leg soacks.
Spottit soacks, strippit soacks,
Kept aside ma drawers soacks.

Pupils should learn their poem and be ready to present it to the class by next Friday 24th January. Pupils will be chosen to perform their poem in front of judges and the winners from each stage will then perform at our Scots Verse Celebration on Wednesday 29th January.


First Week of Term 3

Happy New Year from Primary 4!


We have had a great first week back at school!

We have started our new book study ‘The Last Wolf’ by Michael Morpurgo and have chosen the Scots poem we would like to learn this term. We have picked the poem ‘Soacks’ by Douglas Bell which will be given out for homework on Monday.

In maths we have been learning to multiply 2, 3 and even 4 digit numbers by a single digit.

We have also been talking about the new year – we have been discussing and writing about our resolutions, goals and things we are looking forward to.


It has been a cold and frosty start to the term. We managed to go for a class walk to the river on Wednesday afternoon and had lots of fun throwing stones into the water and the ice that had formed at the edge. The patterns in the ice were amazing!

Ava was the winner of a Ruby Reward ticket today and chose Miley to sit with her at the Ruby Reward table. Well done Ava!

Last Week of Term

It has been a fun filled week of Christmas activities in Primary 4!

We all got our glad rags on for our Christmas party with P3 and P5 on Monday afternoon.

We had great fun dancing and playing party games.

Yesterday the whole school went on a trip to the cinema in Kilmarnock to see the film ‘The Wild Robot’. It was a lovely morning and a great end of term treat!

Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Show Week

What an extremely busy week we have had in Primary 4!

The pupils have been working so hard and did an amazing job performing in our school show ‘Cinderella and Rockerfella’ this week. You should all be very proud of yourselves! You can watch a snapshot of our performance on the main school blog.

We have also been working hard in class too! We finished reading our class book study ‘The Twits’ and wrote a book review in literacy. We have been completing our work on multiplication and division in maths. Well done to Braxton who has been working so hard to learn his times tables and has managed to complete his Multiplication Masters times table passport. We also went for a lovely walk to see the Christmas tree in the square and have been learning to sew to make fabric Chrsitmas tree decorations.

We finished the week off with Christmas jumper day and a lovely Christmas lunch.

Next week we will be having a fun filled week of Christmas activities. Only 5 more school days to go!

This Week in P4

It has been a very busy week in Primary 4!

We have been rehearsing lots for our school show next week, we are really looking forward to performing for everyone.

We had a very special visit from ‘Owl Babies’ this week. We got to learn all about owls as well as getting to hold one too!

Quinn was the winner of a Ruby Reward ticket this week and chose Miley to sit with him at the Ruby Reward table. Well done Quinn!

Homework Week 4

The focus for our last week of literacy homework is writing. In class we have been learning to write an information report and pupils have been asked to choose a topic to write an information report on for homework this week. Some topics they may choose to write about are: an animal, a country, a planet, a famous person or a football team. Pupils have been given a planning sheet to help plan their report.

They can then write their report in their homework jotter or on a piece of paper. Homework is due  next Monday.

Class Talks

A huge well done to all P4 pupils for the hard work and effort they put into their class talks this week. Every pupil came into class        prepared to present their talk on their allocated day and did an amazing job.

Great work everyone, you should be very proud of yourselves!

Homework Week 3

We have been practising the letter formation of lower and upper case letters in class. Pupils have been given a handwriting task for homework this week to practise this at home too. Homework is due to be handed in next Monday 2nd December.

Weekly Round-Up

This week we have been learning the 8 times table in maths, we have been working on spelling the months of the year in literacy and learning to write numbers to 100 in French. We have also been learning about medicines in Health and Wellbeing, dancing in P.E. and playing charades in drama too.

We went for a class walk to look at the different buildings in Catrine as part of ‘Our Local Area’ topic.

This week is Road Safety Week and we have been talking and writing about crossing the road safely. We also got to dress up in bright clothes for our ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’ day today.

Well done to Logan B. who was chosen as the class winner of the ‘Clean Green Rocket Design’ competition.

Maya was the winner of a Ruby Reward ticket today and chose Miley to sit with her at the Ruby Reward table. Well done Maya!


Remember that class talks are due next week.

Class Talks Reminder

Just a reminder that P4 will be presenting their Class Talk to the rest of the class next week. Please see previous blog posts for all the details.

Below are the details of when your child will present their talk.  Remember they may bring in any props (photographs, items from home etc) on their specific day.  I am really looking forward to hearing them all!

Monday 25th November: Ayla, Carter, Amber and Rhys

Tuesday 26th November: Layla, Logan B., Ava and Braxton

Wednesday 27th November: Calli, Charlotte, Riley and Quinn

Thursday 28th November: Adam, Maya and Allan

Friday 29th November: Logan R., Miley and Callum

If you have any questions, please email me at

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs McKenna