Homework Week 2

Pupils have been given a Reading Homework Grid to complete for our homework focus this week (see below). Please try to complete as many of the challenges as you can. Pupils will be given their ReadingWise login to take home tomorrow and will get to choose a book from the school library. They will be able to take their chosen book home to read for the next 3 weeks.

Reading Homework Grid 2024


Turn the subtitles on for a programme you watch



Read and follow a recipe


Read a news item online


Read out loud to someone at home


Read a poem of your choice



Write a book review for your favourite book


Design a front cover for a book you have read



Create a bookmark for your book

Pupils still have another week to work on their class talks (see previous post for details) and further details will be posted on which day pupils will be presenting their talk at the end of this week.

Happy reading!

Kids, reading, and books ...

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