Homework was given out on Tuesday this week
This week’s homework:
- Copy words twice
- UPPER and lower letters:
Maths and Numeracy
- Rounding to the nearest 10 worksheet
- Read book twice a week with someone at home
Homework was given out on Tuesday this week
Maths and Numeracy
Yellow – In the Mud Green- In the Sun Blue – Giant Stromboli Red – The Turtle and the Crane
Maths and Numeracy
Please see the link below to see what P3 will be up to this term.
We are encouraging learners to look at our blog at home.
Primary 3 have been given a task to find the secret word.
The secret word is banana!
Homework this week:
Spelling – copy words twice and pyramid writing
Maths – subtraction questions in your jotter.
Reading – practise “The Sair Finger”
Primary 3 are learning “The Sair Finger” by Walter Wingate for our Burns competition.
Could all learners practise the poem at home in preparation.
“The Sair Finger”
You’ve hurt your finger? Puir wee man!
Your pinkie? Deary me!
Noo, juist you haud it that wey till
I get my specs and see!
My, so it is – and there’s the skelf!
Noo, dinna greet nae mair.
See there – my needle’s gotten’t out!
I’m sure that wasna sair?
And noo, to make it hale the morn,
Put on a wee bit saw,
And tie a Bonnie hankie roun’t
Noo, there na – rin awa’!
Your finger sair ana’? Ye rogue,
You’re only lettin’ on.
Weel, weel, then – see noo, there ye are,
Row’d up the same as John!
What a busy term 2 we had in Primary 3!
We loved learning all about the “Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch” and taking part in lots of activities about the story.
Our main activity was a STEM challenge where we worked in groups to create a 3D model of the setting of the story. We used recycled materials, masking tape and paint to bring the setting of the story to life! Here are some photos of our completed models:
We also visited the pantomime at the Palace Theatre and practised Scottish Dancing for our Christmas Party. We all tried our best to follow the steps for the dances. We had a great Christmas party!!
P3 have been set some Chirstmas/Winter themed homework challenges for the next 2 weeks of homework. This week we will also have spelling homework.
Click on the link below (Christmas Homework) to access the challenges for homework. Feel free to send in anything that has been completed for us to look at in class.