We had great fun at PE playing games with the parachute! The children were practicing turn taking , working as a team, listening and following instructions.
All posts by Miss Withers
Numeracy Open Morning
Thank you to everyone who was able make the open morning. I hope you enjoyed seeing and hearing what we have been up to so far for P3 numeracy. It was lovely to meet you all!
Team Games At PE
At PE this week we started Basketball skills with Miss Kay on Tuesday and on Thursday we did team games with Mrs Withers. Here we are having fun at our team games; Pass the Ball and Rock, Paper, Scissors Jump…even Mrs Withers had fun joining in!
P3 have chosen their own books to read for enjoyment.
The children will be given opportunities throughout the week for Everyone Reading In Class (ERIC). This has helped them to settle after lunch and gets them ready for learning again.
Morning Challenges
This week P3 having been choosing a Lego challenge in the morning to waken up their brains, they have shown creativity and perseverance to complete their creations.
P3 have been enjoying playing splat, this has helped Mrs Withers to learn all their names.
Super Tattie
We had a visit from Super Tattie this week, he came to our class then joined us in the lunch hall.
Book Study
That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown
We found adjectives in our book to describe Stanley the rabbit, we used these to help us sketch a picture of him.
We also used our laptops to find out information about the Amazonian Rainforest and shared this to the rest of the class.
Look out for more photos of lessons we will be doing for our book study over the next few weeks.
PE days will be Tuesdays and Thursdays for P3
Can you please make sure your child has their PE kit on these days and a gentle reminder that all jewellery has to be removed before participating in PE lessons. Thanks!
Don’t worry if your child doesn’t have it today!
Pick Ups
This week children will be led to the gates by Mrs Withers and Mrs Goudie at 3 o’clock to be picked up and next week they will be dismissed from the top of the main steps. Thank you.