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To finish our Numeracy focus on shape, we used art straws to build 3D shapes and split pins and plastic lengths to build 2D shapes today. Pupils were confidently able to identify how many vertices, faces and edges each 3D shape featured, and how many vertices each 2D shape had. Have a look at how we got on!


Stick Insects!

Primary 2s’ new IDL focus for this term is Living Things and today we were lucky enough to have Lily bring in her pet stick insects for a visit! Some pupils even had the chance to hold them. We drew their habitat, labelled their bodies, described their life cycle and learnt lots of new facts. We hope the stick insects enjoyed their day in our classroom as much as we enjoyed having them! Caterpillars next…


Primary 2 took their learning outdoors today for a breath of fresh air. We worked on our magic e sound for this week /a-e/ using chalk writing and had fun doing some Numeracy games together.

Scotland Celebration Day

Primary 2 celebrated the end of our Scotland IDL focus before the holidays with an afternoon of fun. We showed off our Scottish country dancing to traditional and modern music, tried different Scottish foods and sang some well known Scottish songs.

A big thank you to all the families who joined us!