All posts by Mrs Schendel

This week in Primary 2/3

Wow, what a busy week we have had and all the pupils in P2/3 have worked so hard!

We have been consolidating our sounds:

P2 – oa, ai and oy

P3 – wr, wa and a (as in walk)

We put up our Christmas tree and then wrote instructions to tell others how we did it.

In maths we have been using blank number lines and hundred squares to add and subtract numbers within 100.  Some of us even challenged ourselves to go beyond 100!

We have been busy making our cards and crafts for the Christmas Fayre next Thursday and are excited to show you our wonderful creations.

As well as all that we have been practising for our nativity, what superstars we are going to be!

Have a great weekend.

This week in P2/3

Mrs Schendel has had a great week in P2/3 and the boys and girls have worked so hard.

P2 have been learning the ‘oa’ sounds and have been reading and spelling words such as boat, coat and float. Cole came up with a super word – coach!

P3 have been learning the ‘al’ sounds and have been reading and spelling words such as ball, always and also.

In maths we have been learning to find one more and one less than for two digit and three digit numbers.

A huge well done to all the boys and girls who have been so brave and have stood up in front of the whole class to deliver their talks. We were focusing on using a loud, clear voice, making eye contact and using our props to keep to the subject. We have learned lots of new facts about animals.