Weekly Round-Up

Here’s a round-up of what we have been getting up to in Primary 2/3 this week.

We have been finishing off our work on addition and subtraction in maths. We have been learning lots of different strategies to add and subtract and will be learning about multiplication next.

In literacy we have been learning a ‘Scots Word of the Day’ each day. We have learned the words wheesht, greet, braw, foonert and shoogle this week. We have been working so hard to learn our Scots poems ‘My Wee Doggie’ and ‘Mince and Tatties’. Matthew learned his poem off by heart in just one day, wow! On Monday we will be joining up with Primary 3/4 to choose our finalists for the Scots Verse competition.

We had a special visitor, Miss Love, who came to meet us this week. Miss Love is a student teacher who will be starting a placement in our class next week, we can’t wait!

It has been a very cold week but we still managed to get out for a walk to the park on Wednesday afternoon.

Ellie was the winner of a Ruby Reward ticket today and picked Harley to sit with her at the Ruby Reward table. Well done Ellie!

We finished off the week with a class party for achieving 2000 points on Class Dojo. We had music, balloons, sweets and lots of fun!

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