Scots Poems

As part of our Scotland topic this term all classes are learning a Scots poem. Paper copies of the poems have been given to all pupils to learn at home and are also shown below.

The Primary 2 poem is My Wee Doggie by J.K. Annand.

My Wee Doggie

My wee doggie

does lots of tricks,

Fetches the paper,

Brings back sticks.

Chases aw the craws,

That steal the hen’s feed,

Lowps through a gird,

kids he’s deid.

Sits on his hunkers,

 Gies a paw,

Then he gets a bane to gnaw.

The Primary 3 poem is Mince and Tatties by J.K. Annand.

Mince & Tatties

I dinna like hail tatties

Pit on my plate o mince

For when I tak my denner

I eat them baith at yince.

Sae mash and mix the tatties

Wi mince into the mashin,

And sic a tasty denner

Will aye be voted ‘Smashin!’

Pupils will be chosen to perform their poem in front of judges and the winners from each stage will then perform at our Scots Verse Celebration on the 31st January.


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