
How Much Homework Is Too Much? | Strategy Education

Here are some games that pupils can play at home to practise what we are learning in class.

We have been working on number bonds in numeracy. Here is the link to a game where pupils can practise their number bonds up to 10, 20 or 100. Click on the green ‘Number Bonds’ button and choose the bonds you would like to practise.


This week Primary 2 pupils are working on the ‘oy’ sound.  Pupils have been using the ‘Forest Phonics’ website in class to play games to practise this and other sounds. Follow the link and click on a sound to play the game.


Primary 3 pupils are working on the ‘wa’ sound with the letter ‘a’ making the ‘o’ sound. Click on the link below to play some games to practise this sound.


If your child has  a speaking part in the nativity, they should also practise their lines at home too.

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