Catrine’s Got Talent

Well done to the P2/3 pupils who performed in Catrine’s Got Talent this morning. We had singing, dancing, football skills and funny jokes. You were all very brave to stand up and perform in front of the whole school.

Congratulations to Poppy who came in 2nd place with her beautiful singing!

School Trip

Primary 2/3 had a great school trip to Heads of Ayr Farm Park yesterday.

We had lots of fun playing on the pirate ship, bouncy pillows and trampolines. We got to see lots of amazing animals, had a picnic lunch outside and enjoyed the indoor play area. We finished off the day with some ringo sledging!

What a fantastic day we all had!

Weekly Round-Up

It has been a busy week with Sports Day, Prize Giving and the House Reward Party all taking place.

We were so glad that it stayed dry on Tuesday for us to have our Sports Day at the park.

Well done to everyone for giving it your all in your races, you did an awesome job!

Harley was the winner of a Ruby Reward ticket today and chose Cole to sit with him at the Ruby Reward table. Well done Harley!


It’s hard to believe that next week is the final week of this school year! We have our class ‘Yes Day’ and our trip to Heads of Ayr Farm Park to look forward to.

Have a great weekend!

Health Week

We have been taking part in lots of fun activities for Health Week this week. We started off the week with some line dancing with Miss Brown on Monday.

On Tuesday we had a silent disco in the morning and then played laser tag in the afternoon. It was so much fun!

On Wednesday we got to practise our football skills with Kilmarnock Football Club.

On Thursday the P6 pupils organised great circuits stations for us in the gym hall.

We were so disappointed that the weather was not on our side for Sports Day today. We are looking forward to wearing our house colours and taking part in our races on Tuesday.

Weekly Round-Up

This week in P2/3 we have been learning to tell the time on digital and analogue clocks in maths.

In literacy we have been writing letters to persuade Mrs Govans to let our class have a ‘yes day’! Do you think she will let us?

We have been learning about the artist Wassily Kandinsky in art and have created abstract paintings in the style of Kandinsky.

We have been practising our races for Sports Day and doing some yoga in P.E. this week.

Well done to Alfie who won this super medal at a rugby tournament.

Shaun enjoyed his lunch at the Ruby Reward Table today as he was chosen to sit with Jaxson in P1.