A short week in P2/3

It has been a short but busy week in P2/3!

This week we have started to work on time in maths. We have been learning to order the days of the week and months of the year.

In literacy we have been continuing our work on persuasive writing. We have been thinking about the jobs that we would like to do when we are older and and have been writing job application forms.

We have been identifying different types of technology that we use and that make a difference to us in our everyday lives. We have been thinking about our favourite pieces of technology.

We enjoyed a lovely walk to the Voes to see the ducks.

Cole was chosen to sit at the Ruby Reward Table today by Harris in P1. What a treat!

This week in P2/3

A massive well done to Primary 2/3 for their fantastic class talks this week. You all did an amazing job and should be very proud of yourselves. I loved hearing about what you would all like to be when you grow up!

We have also been taking part in ‘Walk to School Week’ this week and have enjoyed walking to school with a different theme each day. We have walked to school wearing odd socks, crazy hair, with a friend or family member, dressed down and thinking about the ways we can improve our community. Here are the ways in which P2/3 think we could improve our community:

Matthew – litter picking and being kind to new pupils

Layla – making the park better for disabled people, more flowers and trees

Quinn – saving electricity

Poppy – putting rubbish in the bin

Alfie – less dog poo

Have a lovely long weekend!

Weekly Round-Up

This week in P2/3 we have been continuing to work on fractions in maths and have been working on the reading strategy ‘visualisation’ in literacy. We have been learning to mix primary colours to make secondary colours in art and have also been learning about parts of our bodies.

It has been digital learning week and we have been learning about online safety. We made posters to encourage people to stay safe when using the internet.

We took a walk to the park on Wednesday afternoon and found that there was lots of rubbish. Mrs McKenna and Mrs Watt did some litter picking and left it looking so much better.

We put up some of the persuasive posters we made last week and we hope that they will encourage people to put their rubbish in the bin.

Harley was the winner of a Ruby Reward ticket this week and chose Quinn to sit with him at the Ruby Reward table. Well done Harley!


Just a wee reminder that pupils should be ready to present their class talks on Monday. Please see the previous post for details on which particular day your child will present their talk.

Have a great weekend!

Class Talks Reminder

Just a reminder that P2/3 will be presenting their Class Talk to the rest of the class next week. Please see previous blog posts for all the details.

Below are the details of when your child will present their talk. Remember they may bring in any props (photographs, items from home etc) on their specific day. I am really looking forward to hearing them all!

Monday 20th May: Tyler, Ellie, Rhys, Quinn and Poppy

Tuesday 21st May: Allan, Logan, Charlotte, Ava G. and Lyle

Wednesday 22nd May: Layla, Matthew, Carson, Shaun and Hunter

Thursday  23rd May: Harry, Cole, Harley, Harper and Nadia

Friday 24th May: Alfie, Demi and Ava D.

If you have any questions, please email me at: laura.mckenna@eastayrshire.org.uk

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs McKenna

This week in P2/3

This week in Primary 2/3 we have been learning about halves and quarters in maths. We have been consolidating some of our sounds and making persuasive posters in writing. We have also learned about the organs of the body in Science and enjoyed a lovely walk to the river.

Hunter was the winner of a Ruby Reward ticket this week and chose Rhys to sit with him at the Ruby Reward table. Well done Hunter!



Class Talk – When I grow up, I would like to be……

P2/3 Class Talk Homework Project

Title: When I grow up, I would like to be……

Pupils have been given a project to prepare and give a short talk about what they would like to be when they grow up. Some ideas to include in their talk might be:

  • What job would they like to do when they are older?
  • Why they would like this job?
  • What skills or equipment they might need for the job?
  • A picture/drawing/poster about their chosen job

The talk should be ready to be presented the week beginning Monday 20th May. More details will be given shortly (please check Blog) about which day that week your child will be giving their talk.

Children should practise their talk at home in order to be able to fluently talk to the class, they might want to use notes on paper to help them remember their talk.

I look forward to hearing what you would like to be.

Mrs McKenna

People Who Help Us

This week we had a very special visit from PC Aitken who is the campus police officer at Robert Burns Academy.

PC Aitken came  to tell us all about her job and the different ways in which the police help us.

We got to ask her lots of questions about her job and even got to try on her uniform!

Here’s what the pupils had to say about the visit:

PC Aitken is a very nice person – Charlotte

I liked trying on her equipment – Matthew

I liked when Matthew got handcuffed – Alfie

I liked when PC Aitken got the spray out – Ava D.

I liked when we got to ask the questions – Allan

I liked it when she tied my legs up – Lyle

I am really sad because I didn’t get to see her – Poppy

I liked when she showed us what she wears – Quinn

I liked the colours of her uniform – Harper

I liked her putting me in straps – Shaun

I liked getting to see her – Rhys

I liked when she put on the PowerPoint – Ellie

I liked it when she put straps on Lyle – Harry

It was fun! – Ava G.

We really appreciated PC Aitken taking time out of her busy day to come and speak to us.