Weekly Round-Up

Here’s a round-up of what we have been getting up to in Primary 2/3 this week.

In literacy this week P2 have been learning the ‘a-e’ sound as in ‘make’ and P3 have been learning the ‘ey’ sound as in ‘they’. We have also been learning how to write the middle of a story.

In numeracy we have been learning to recognise a half and have been developing our understanding on symmetry.

We have been continuing to practise our gymnastics skills on all of the apparatus in the gym hall. We are getting much better at teddy bear rolls!

We have started to learn about the skeleton as part of our ‘My Body’ topic.

We had lots of fun at our John Muir Outdoor Learning day on Wednesday. It was lovely to see so many family members join our children and take part in all the different activities.

Well done to Ava D. who was the winner of a Ruby Reward ticket and chose Layla to sit with her at the Ruby Reward table today.

First week of term 4

P2/3 have had a great start to term 4 after a lovely Easter break.

In literacy this week P2 have been learning the ‘o-e’ sound as in ‘home’ and P3 have been learning the ‘ea’ sound as in ‘break’. We have also been learning how to write the beginning of a story.

In numeracy we have been learning about tally marks, pictograms and bar graphs. We have been carrying out class surveys and recording our results in different ways.

We were so excited to get to practise our gymnastics skills on all of the apparatus in the gym hall this week. We even got to use the climbing bars and the ropes!

We had lots of fun at the park on Wednesday afternoon.

Before the holidays we entered the ‘If you were an engineer’ Leaders Award Competition organised by the STEM committee group. This week we found out that Shaun has won the competition for his stage and will be heading to a ceremony at Prestwick Airport next month.

Congratulations Shaun, what a fantastic achievement!

Well done to Lyle who was the winner of a Ruby Reward ticket and chose Allan to sit with him at the Ruby Reward table.