Last week of term 3

It’s hard to believe that today is the last day of term 3!

The boys and girls came up with some great imaginative ideas when decorating their eggs for the Easter egg competition this afternoon.

Well done to Matthew who was chosen as the P2 winner for his super egg which he decorated as the Gruffalo.

Charlotte was the winner of a Ruby Reward ticket today and chose Ava G. to sit with her at the Ruby Reward table. Well done Charlotte!


We had an Easter egg hunt in the playground this afternoon and also said goodbye to Miss Love who finished her placement with us today. We are going to miss her after the holidays!

Have a lovely Easter holiday!

Weekly Round-Up

In maths this week we have been learning about the link between multiplication and division.

In literacy, the P3’s have been consolidating the soft c sound and the P2’s have been learning the ‘i_e’ sound as in time.

In gymnastic this week we have been learning how to do a log, egg and teddy bear roll. We need lots of practise at teddy bear rolls as they are really tricky!

We have been learning about how important it is to wash our hands properly. Miss Love did a fun experiment with us to show us how soap breaks down germs.

We have all been engineers and have entered the ‘If you were and engineer’ Leaders Award Competition organised by the STEM committee group. We had to come up with a problem and then design an invention to help with this problem. We also had to write a letter to engineers to persuade them to build our invention. We worked so hard on our entries!

We have been learning some new French vocabulary with Miss Love. We have been learning to say how old we are and to say where we live in French.

Lyle was chosen by Blair in Primary 1 to sit at the Ruby Reward table today.

Have a great weekend everyone!

This week in Primary 2/3

It has been another very busy week in Primary 2/3. This week we have been learning lots of different jumps in P.E.

We have been learning to use the strategies ‘grouping’ and ‘sharing’ to divide in maths.

We have been writing about our favourite season and have been practising writing sentences in literacy.

We went for a lovely walk to the river and had lots of fun throwing stones into the water.

We had a special visit from PC Aitken who came to talk to our class on Thursday afternoon.

Today we had a great time watching a Road Safety Magic Show and learning how to cross the road safely. The show was so funny and entertaining!

Have a great weekend!

World Book Day

Primary 2/3 had fun celebrating World Book Day yesterday.

The Reading Leadership committee group planned lots of activities for us to do during the day. We brought in a favourite book from home and talked about the difference  between fiction and non-fiction books. We then had some time to look at each other’s books and to  ‘Drop Everything and Read’ in class.

 We also made some bookmarks, played a reading guessing game and enjoyed taking part in a book themed treasure hunt.

We had a special visit from Miss Brown who came to read us the story ‘The Peter Rabbit Club’. We finished the day by getting a lovely new book to take home.

Weekly Round-Up

This week in Primary 2/3 we had our photographs taken. We all look so smart!

We have been continuing to work on multiplication and times tables in maths this week. Primary 2 have been learning the 10 and 5 times tables while Primary 3 have been learning the 3 and 6 times tables. Here is the link for the game ‘Hit the Button’ which we use to practise our times tables in class. We can play it at home too!

In literacy we have been consolidating the sounds we have been learning over the last few weeks and have been learning to describe a story setting.

 We had lots of fun using some equipment in the gym hall to practise jumping this week. We have been learning about ‘Palm Sunday’ in RME and all about the weather and seasons. We also learned about why this year had an extra day in February.

Carson was the winner of a Ruby Reward ticket today and picked Logan to sit with him at the Ruby Reward table. Allan was also chosen to sit with Braxton in P3/4 and has sat at the Ruby Reward table for the third time! Well done!

Have a lovely weekend!