This week in P2/3

 Here’s a snapshot of what we have been up to in Primary 2/3 this week! As well as all the work we have been doing in class we have been exploring Catrine for our second John Muir Day, made lanterns for the ‘Make Catrine Sparkle’ parade and dressed in our brightest outfits for our ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’ day!

Well done to Quinn who was awarded a Ruby Reward ticket this week. Quinn chose Rhys to sit with him at the Ruby Table for lunch today.


Layla was chosen as the P2/3 winner of the best outfit for our ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’ day today.

Just a wee reminder that pupils will be presenting their class talks to the rest of the class next week. Please see the previous post to see when your child will be presenting their talk. Pupils should make sure that they come to school with everything they need to present their talk on their specific day.

Have a great weekend!

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