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Weekly Round-Up

A huge well done to all of the Primary 2/3’s for the hard work and effort they put into their class talks this week. It was lovely to listen to all of your super talks. You did an absolutely amazing job talking about your families, favourite book or film!

Today we were learning about road safety in the winter and dressed up for ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’ day. We designed our own bright jumpers and they look fantastic!

Weekly Round-Up

It has been another very busy week in Primary 2/3!

It was so lovely to see so many of you join us for our literacy morning on Wednesday. We hope you enjoyed seeing all the super learning taking place in our class. This week we have been learning the ‘oo’ sound.

In numeracy we have been learning numbers bonds to 20.

We have been learning about our senses and went for a senses field walk on Wednesday afternoon to identify things that we could see, hear, feel, smell and taste.

We finished off the week with a fun filled day of Children in Need activities. We learned all about Children in Need and then took part in some fun activities.

Class Talks Reminder

Just a reminder that P2/3 will be presenting their Class Talk to the rest of the class next week. Please see previous blog posts for all the details.

Below are the details of when your child will present their talk.  Remember they may bring in any props (photographs, items from home etc) on their specific day.  I am really looking forward to hearing them all!

Monday 21st: Rhys, Callum, Ava, Miley, Braxton and Quinn

Tuesday 22nd: Ayla, Cole, Mykayla, Allan and Logan B.

Wednesday 23rd: Layla, Kaiden, Adam, Logan R. and Calli

Friday 25th: Riley, Ivy, Carter, Charlotte and Oscar

If you have any questions, please email me at

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs McKenna

Numeracy Homework – Taking Away Challenge

Pupils have been given a ‘Taking away challenge’ this week which has been added to their numeracy scrapbook and involves subtraction. odds and evens and counting in 2’s. Please click on the link below to view the activity:

Taking away challenge

Pupils can complete the activity in any way they want – they might want to write, draw or even take pictures of the socks. Pictures can be sent to me in an e-mail. My address is:

Numeracy scrapbooks should be returned by Monday 21st November.

Thanks for your continued support.

Have fun!

Weekly Round-Up

This week Primary 2/3 have been learning number bonds to 10 and 100 in maths.

We have been learning the ‘ee’ sound in literacy and have been creating our own story characters.

We had lots of fun playing at the park on Wednesday afternoon.

We have been learning all about Remembrance and why people wear poppies. We painted our own poppy pictures to commemorate Remembrance Day and observed a 1 minute silence at 11am today.

Class Talk Homework Project – Primary 3 pupils

I have been made aware that the Primary 3 pupils in the class prepared and presented a class talk on their family in Primary 1. If pupils would like to, they may prepare a class talk on their favourite book or movie instead. Please see the details below.

P3 Class Talk Homework Project

Title: My favourite book/movie

Twice a year, pupils are asked to present a talk to their class. This term, Primary 3 have been given a project to prepare and give a short talk about their favourite book or movie

Some ideas to include in their talk might be:

  • What their favourite book/movie is called?
  • Who the main characters are?
  • What happens in the book/movie?
  • Where is the story set?
  • What is their favourite part and why?
  • Draw a picture of the book or DVD cover and bring it to show during their talk.

You can decide how you would like to present the talk i.e. poster, photographs, bringing in items from home etc.

Children should practise their talk at home in order to be able to fluently talk to the class, they might want to use notes on paper to help them remember their talk.

Talks should be ready to be heard for Monday 21st November. Further details will be posted on the class blog as to which day pupils will be presenting their talk.

I look forward to hearing your talks. Sorry for any confusion.

Mrs McKenna


Class Talk Homework Project

P2/3 Class Talk Homework Project

Title: My family

Twice a year, pupils are asked to present a talk to their class. This term, Primary 2/3 have been given a project to prepare and give a short talk about their family.

Pupils could talk about:

  • Mums and dads
  • Brothers and sisters
  • Pets
  • Extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc.)

You can decide how you would like to present the talk i.e. poster, photographs, bringing in items from home etc.

Children should practise their talk at home in order to be able to fluently talk to the class, they might want to use notes on paper to help them remember their talk.

Talks should be ready to be heard for Monday 21st November.

Further details will be posted on the class blog as to which day pupils will be presenting their talk.

I look forward to hearing all of your talks.

Numeracy Homework – Weight of fruit

Pupils have been given a ‘Weight of fruit’ challenge this week which has been added to their numeracy scrapbook and involves comparing, describing and solving practical problems for weight. Please click on the link below to view the activity:

Weight of fruit

Pupils can complete the activity in any way they want – they might want to write, draw or even take pictures of the things they can find around the house and put in order of weight. Pictures can be sent to me in an e-mail. My address is:

Numeracy scrapbooks should be returned by Monday 7th November.

Thanks for your continued support.

Have fun!

Hallowe’en Fun!

Primary 2/3 have had a fun filled day of Hallowe’en activities!

We had a lovely morning of Hallowe’en activities followed by a party in the afternoon with all the Primary 1,2 and 3 pupils. We were dancing, playing party games, dooking for apples and enjoying some spooky activities.

It was a great day!