Last week of Term 1

It’s hard to believe that it’s the end of term 1 already!

This week Primary 2/3 have been learning about odd and even numbers in numeracy and the ‘ng’ sound in literacy.

It was really hard but we managed to stay quiet for a whole 30 minutes during our Harvest Hush-In on Wednesday afternoon.

Thank you to everyone who made it along to parents’ night on Wednesday, it was so lovely to see you all and speak to you in person.

It has been a very exciting week as we have watched three of our chrysalides turn into butterflies! We fed them some oranges and apples when they emerged and set them free this afternoon. It has been fantastic to watch the process of them growing from tiny caterpillars into beautiful butterflies.

Thank you to Mykayla who brought in an amazing butterfly collection (and scorpion) from home to show the class. We loved looking at all the different shapes and colours of the butterflies.

Well done to Layla who won a trophy and a medal at a dancing competition at the weekend, what an achievement!

We finished off the term with a class party this afternoon for achieving 1000 points on Class Dojo, well done Primary 2/3!

Have a great October holiday!

Mrs McKenna

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