
All of the pupils in P2/3 have worked incredibly hard this year and it was so difficult to choose our prize winners. Well done to the boys and girls who did win a prize at our prizegiving ceremony  on Wednesday morning.

The P2/3 Prizegiving Winners were:

P2 Successful Learner – Logan B.

P2 Responsible Citizen – Allan

P2 Effective Contributor – Miley

P2 Confident Individual – Charlotte

P3 Successful Learner – Cole

P2 Excellence in Learning – Braxton

Congratulations to you all!


Health Week

Primary 2/3 have had an extremely busy week and have taken part in lots of fantastic activities for Health Week.

We have been line dancing with Miss Brown.

We were learning how to block, punch and kick in karate.

The P6 pupils organised a great skills station challenge for us in the playground.

We got to take part in a kickboard challenge and practised our football skills in the Hexagol provided by Kilmarnock Football Club.

Kieran McMaster came along to teach us some boxing skills. We had so much fun using the boxing gloves and pads.

We also got to try some delicious fruit and moved up into our new classes for bump up day on Wednesday afternoon.

We finished off Health Week by dressing in our house colours to take part in Sports Day. Well done to everyone for giving it your all in the heat today, you did an awesome job!

Well done to Quinn who was the winner of a Golden Ticket today and chose Logan B. to sit with him at the Golden Table. Well done!


Have a great weekend everyone!

Weekly Round-Up

We have also been practising our races for Sports Day and are looking forward to lots of fun activities next week for our whole school ‘Health Week’.This week P2/3 have been learning the ‘ow’ sound in literacy, we have been learning about halves and quarters in maths and have started a mini topic on the Titanic. We have been learning lots of fun facts about the Titanic and created our own fact files which look fantastic!

We have also been practising our races for Sports Day and are looking forward to lots of fun activities for our whole school ‘Health Week’ next week.

Well done to Adam who won a Golden Ticket today and chose Logan B. to sit with him at the Golden Table. Well done!


Have a fantastic weekend!

World of Work Week

This week has been ‘World of Work’ week and P2/3 have been talking about lots of different careers and the skills needed to be able to do different jobs. The boys and girls have been thinking about what they would like to be when they grow up and even filled out a job application form.

Have a look to see what we want to be when we grow up!

We have also been learning the ‘ue’ sound in literacy and have been learning how to find half of a quantity in maths.

Callum was delighted to be chosen by Mathew to sit at the Golden Table today.

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!