Weekly Round-Up

A massive well done to Primary 2/3 for their fantastic class talks this week. I know some of you were feeling nervous about talking in front of the class, but you did a great job and should be very proud of yourselves. I loved hearing about your heroes!

This afternoon we had a party to celebrate reaching 3000 Class Dojo points. We had fun playing with chalk and bubbles in the playground, we listened to music, played football and loved rolling down the big hill. We also enjoyed some ice poles in the sunshine, it was a great way to end the week!

Have a lovely long weekend!

Walk to School Week

Primary 2/3 have been taking part in ‘Walk to School Week’ this week and have enjoyed walking to school with a different theme each day. We have talked about the benefits of walking to school and made posters in literacy to persuade people to walk to school rather than travelling by car.

We have also been learning about halves, tally marks and pictographs in maths this week. We have been learning the ‘u-e’ sound in literacy and have had lots of fun outside.

We have been interested in learning about the Titanic after watching a story about the ship on Newsround the other day. Some of the boys and girls made the Titanic out of blocks and loose parts in the classroom. What a great job!

Just a wee reminder that pupils should be ready to present their class talks on Monday. Please see the previous post for details on which particular day your child will present their talk.

Have a great weekend!

Class Talks Reminder

Just a reminder that P2/3 will be presenting their Class Talk to the rest of the class next week. Please see previous blog posts for all the details.

Below are the details of when your child will present their talk.  Remember they may bring in any props (photographs, items from home etc) on their specific day.  I am really looking forward to hearing them all!

Monday 22nd:  Allan, Ivy, Rhys, Braxton, Miley and Ava

Tuesday 23rd: Callum, Quinn, Carter, Calli, D-ior and Charlotte

Wednesday 24th: Adam, Ayla, Oscar, Logan B., Riley and Logan R.

Thursday 25th: Cole, Mykayla, , Amber, Kaiden and Layla

If you have any questions, please email me at laura.mckenna@eastayrshire.org.uk

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs McKenna

Class Talk Homework Project

P2/3 Class Talk Homework Project

Title: My Hero

Twice a year, pupils are asked to present a talk to their class. This term, Primary 2/3 have been given a project to prepare and give a short talk about their hero. Pupils should think of a real-life person, (not a superhero character) that they admire and consider to be their hero.

Pupils could talk about:

  • Who their hero is. Are they famous? Are they good at sport? Are they brave? Are they part of their family and they look up to them?
  • An explanation as to why this person is their hero.
  •  A drawing or photograph of their hero.

Pupils have been given a worksheet that they can complete at home as a prompt to help them with their talk. Please click on the link below to view the worksheet:

My Hero

Pupils can decide how they would like to present their talk i.e. poster, photographs, bringing in items from home etc.

Children should practise their talk at home in order to be able to fluently talk to the class, they might want to use notes on paper to help them remember their talk.

Talks should be ready to be heard for Monday 22nd May.

Further details will be posted on the class blog as to which day pupils will be presenting their talk.

I look forward to hearing all of your talks.