
Here’s a wee look at what we have been getting up to in Primary 2/3 over the last two weeks (with the February weekend in between).

We have been learning the ‘ll’ and ‘ff’ sounds in literacy and wrote some lovely Valentine notes to each other. We have been continuing to learn about money and revise place value in numeracy.

We have been learning ceilidh dancing with Mrs McCaig in P.E. We had a wonderful school ceilidh last Tuesday and it was fantastic to see some of our pupils take part in a great night of dancing.

Our Scots Verse Celebration was held last Wednesday and Quinn was the Primary 2 winner. Well done Quinn!

We have a lovely new home corner in our open area which we have been enjoying playing in this week.

We finished off this week with a wee class party to celebrate achieving 2000 Class Dojo points. Well done Primary 2/3!

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