
Numeracy Homework

Pupils have been given a ‘Train driver’s challenge’ this week which has been added to their numeracy scrapbook and involves problem solving. Please click on the link below to view the activity:

Train driver’s challenge

Numeracy scrapbooks should be returned by Tuesday 24th January.

Thanks for your continued support.

Scots Poems

As part of our Scotland topic all classes are learning a Scots poem. Paper copies of the poems have been given to all pupils to learn at home and are also shown below. The Primary 2 poem is Twa-Leggit Mice by J K Annand.

Twa-Leggit Mice by J K Annand

My mither says that we hae mice

That open air-ticht tins

And eat her chocolate biscuits

And cakes and siclike things.


Nae doubt it is an awfu shame

That mice should get the blame.

It’s really me that rypes the tins

When left alane at hame.


But jings! I get fair hungert

And biscuits taste sae nice.

But dinna tell my mither for

She thinks it is the mice

The Primary 3 poem is The Sair Finger by Walter Wingate.

The Sair Finger by Walter Wingate

You’ve hurt your finger? Puir wee man!

Your pinkie? Deary me!

Noo, juist you haud it that wey till

I get my specs and see!


My, so it is – and there’s the skelf!

Noo, dinna greet nae mair.

See there – my needle’s gotten’t out!

I’m sure that wasna sair?


And noo, to make it hale the morn.

Put on a wee bit saw.

And tie a bonnie hankie roun’t –

Noo, there na – rin awa’!


Your finger sair ana’? Ye rogue.

Ye’re only letting on!

Weel, weel, then – see noo, there ye are.

Row’d up the same as John.

Pupils will be chosen to perform their poem in front of judges and the winners from each stage will then perform at our Scots Verse Celebration on the 1st February.

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