Weekly Round-Up

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3! We can’t wait  to start sharing photographs of what we get up to in our class (once we have permission).

You can give permission for your child to appear on the blog via the link on the main school blog page.

This week we have been busy in literacy writing about ‘The best part of me’, learning about the 100 square in numeracy, creating fantastic art work and starting our ‘Minibeasts’ topic. We had lots of fun hunting for minibeasts in our school grounds and learning about their habitats.

Our PE days in P2/3 will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Tuesday is indoor PE day:  Please make sure your child has indoor gym shoes and shorts (labelled).  These can be kept in school in a labelled bag.

Thursday is walking day:  Please make sure your child is wearing suitable clothes for walking around the village (footwear, jacket etc).

Here are a few pictures of self portraits created by the class until we have permission to post their photographs. What a creative class we have!

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