Homework – Week beginning 13.01.25

As part of our Scotland topic all classes are learning a Scots poem.  The Primary 2 poem is The Dinosaur by L. Griffiths. This homework will be given out on Monday and all pupils will have 2 weeks to practise reciting their poem. Every pupil will have the opportunity to recite their poem to the class with some being selected to enter our Scots Verse competition.

The Dinosaur by L.Griffiths 

A want tae be a Dinosaur, 

An’ roam aroon the toon. 

A want tae be a muckle beast, 

An’ gobble ye richt doon. 

I’d huv tae be a lang neck, 

Wi’ big teeth that can chew, 

Tae eat up aw they Scots weans; 

‘Cause they taste like Irn Bru. 


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