Big Talk Week

Your child should be getting ready to present their big talk on “When I grow up, I would like to be…”.  Your child should prepare and practise their talk at home and can bring in a picture, drawing or poster to help them.

P2 will present their talks on the week beginning Monday 2nd December. 

Some ideas to include in their talk could be:

What job would they like to do when they are older?

Why would they like the job?

What skills or equipment might they need for the job?

We look forward to hearing about what they would like to be.



Weekly Roundup


Our P2 pupils are learning their 2 times table this week as part of our Multiplication Masters initiative.

They have also explored the use of grid references to find locations.

Other Curricular Areas

Our pupils completed their research topic Exploring the Life of Captain James Cook where they learned about his life, travels and achievements.

The pupils also created some amazing fire work art.


We look forward to having you join us for our Literacy Open Morning on Tuesday. Our P7s have organised some fantastic activities relating to texts that will be given to pupils form Read Write Count.