Weekly Roundup

It’s been a busy few weeks for our P2 pupils! They have worked so hard in literacy, numeracy and all other areas of the curriculum.

Make sure to ask your child how to say the numbers 1 to 20 in French! If you want to practise this with your child, you can do so using this video link:




Numeracy Open Morning

Our P2 pupils loved demonstrating what they have been learning in numeracy during our open morning!


The first numeracy homework task will be issued on Monday and will be expected to be returned by Friday. All packs will come with a times table grid included. P2 pupils will be learning the 1, 2, 5 and 10 times table throughout this school year and the grid can be used at home for some extra practice.




Weekly Roundup

P2 has had a super week this week!


Our pupils in P2 have been learning to spell words with the ‘sh’ sound this week. They have also enjoyed taking part in E.R.I.C time which is a whole school initiative to encourage pupils to read and listen to stories.


All pupils have been learning to recognise and count to 100 starting at any number. They have also focused on forming the numbers in our number system correctly.

Across the Curriculum 

The pupils have been listening to classical pieces of music called ‘The Carnival of the Animals’. The pupils enjoyed lying down, closing their eyes and listening to ‘The Royal March of the Lions’. After listening to the music, the pupils were able to discuss what feelings they experienced whilst listening to the music and created amazing lion masks!

The pupils also explored different emotions and how they make us feel on the outside and the inside. All pupils now take part in an emotional check in each morning to let the teacher know how they are feeling.


Weekly Roundup

Our P2 pupils have settled into their new classroom amazingly!

They have enjoyed exploring the new resources in our classroom and have kicked off our new Space Adventures topic by learning about the sun.

All first day in P2 pictures will be posted next week once photo permission has been granted.

In the meantime, please enjoy a picture of our first display!


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